My Mission

I want to use my scientific background and my skills in writing and organizing to make science and its societal impact understandable because a sustainable, fair, and democratic society needs to both embrace science and critique its ramifications.

Science writing should tell captivating stories about science, its complexity, history, and impact, as well as shine a light on the humans behind it.

a portrait of Thomas Zauner

My Mission

I want to use my scientific background and my skills in writing and organizing to make science and its societal impact understandable because a sustainable, fair, and democratic society needs to both embrace science and critique its ramifications.

Science writing should tell captivating stories about science, its complexity, history, and impact, as well as shine a light on the humans behind it.

What I Do

I cover both fundamental and applied sciences, the fascinating personal stories behind the research, and how science affects and is affected by society and the environment.

I write about physics, quantum information and quantum computing, complex systems and network science, biology and ecology, chemistry, and science and technology studies in the form of press releases, magazine stories, informational and website texts, and journalistic articles.

Selected Works

Finding the Best Wrong Models

scilog – the magazine of the Austrian Science Fund FWF

Making accurate predictions about the future requires a good mathematical model of reality. However, producing such a good model is not an easy task.

Interactive Technologies for Being Different Together

scilog – the magazine of the Austrian Science Fund FWF

The field of diversity computing wants to challenge stereotypes using digital technologies.

Cloud Clustering Causes More Extreme Rain

Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Scientists use a high-resolution global climate model to understand how the clustering of clouds and storms impacts rainfall extremes in the tropics.

Wiring up Quantum Circuits with Light

Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Researchers entangled microwave and optical photons for the first time.

Quantum Computing Dossier

Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Quantum computing promises to revolutionize many fields like cryptography and material science. This dossier introduces its basics.

Gardening for Science

Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Mutants are growing in a basement at ISTA. Not monsters, but plants that serve research.

Stem Cell in Your Gut

Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Stem cells rejuvinate the inner lining of the intestines. Researchers found a new environmental mechanism controlling them.

Feeding Plants with Electricity

scilog – the magazine of the Austrian Science Fund FWF

New methods of capturing vital ammonia to feed plants.

Neptunium Spikes for Environmental Research

scilog – the magazine of the Austrian Science Fund FWF

New methods to find miniscule traces of Neptunium in the environment to track hidden water streams.

See the German version of my website for more of my work in German.

Wiring up Quantum Circuits with Light

Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Researchers entangled microwave and optical photons for the first time.

Quantum Computing Dossier

Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Quantum computing promises to revolutionize many fields like cryptography and material science. This dossier introduces its basics.

Neptunium Spikes for Environmental Research

scilog – the magazine of the Austrian Science Fund FWF

New methods to find miniscule traces of Neptunium in the environment to track hidden water streams.

Finding the Best Wrong Models

scilog – the magazine of the Austrian Science Fund FWF

Making accurate predictions about the future requires a good mathematical model of reality. However, producing such a good model is not an easy task.

See the German version of my website for more of my work in German.

About Me

I started out with the dream of becoming a researcher in quantum physics. Yet, during my studies, I realized that many different branches of the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities deal with important and fascinating topics and that I would like to get to know all of them.

After a Master’s degree in physics with a focus on quantum information and a short stint in the field of science and technology studies, I first turned to event management in a scientific context and then to science writing. In this profession, I can now work on topics in all fields of research and share my passion and fascination for them.


2012–2018 BSc and MSc Physics University of Vienna
2018–2019 Studies in Science and Technology Studies University of Vienna
2019–2020 Event Manager Institute of Science and Technology Austria
2020–2022 Science Writer Institute of Science and Technology Austria
since 2022 Science Writer Freelancer


Contact me if you want to connect or want to work with me!

Mobile: +43 (0) 680 4032 106
LinkedIn: Thomas Zauner